Newad Now Past 3,600 Digital Displays In Network
July 4, 2013 by Dave Haynes
If you need some tangible evidence in the argument that printed posters and signs will gradually go digital, here’s a very solid bit of news from up the highway in Montreal:
Newad does the advertising in restaurant and nightclub washrooms thing, and has pretty rapidly converted much of that printed stock to digital. The company now says it has in excess of 3,600 digital boards available to buy ads on.
Some 1,500 of those “boards” are more like TVs in a Quebec sports bar chain, but that still leaves 2,000-ish digital posters.
Newad says the aggregate of screens and venues delivers over 50 million impressions per week in Canada. The company has another 24,000 non-digital ad faces which you’ve got to think will also go digital one day when the ROI numbers work.
The big attraction to digital is not just in motion graphics but cutting the labor, fuel and vehicle costs of guys in mini-vans running around changing posters, and turning around campaigns quickly.
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