Projects: Boise State Hangs Giant NanoLumens Panel In Arts Center

April 25, 2013 by Dave Haynes


The Velma V. Morrison Center for the Performing Arts at Boise State University a very big digital display in its lobby to communicate with people before, during and after shows, and settled on a six-feet-tall by eleven-feet-wide NanoLumens 4mm LED skinny and light enough to hand on the wall like a tapestry.

The NanoSlim display’s programming include upcoming show promotions, artist video content, campus-wide events, student and faculty visual art, images of Boise’s  landscape and important campus-related information. The display also doubles as a notifier to tell people to get their butts in the seats at the start of shows and as intermissions end. There’s also a live HD video feed so stragglers arriving after curtain time can watch the show until they are allowed in, which is clever.


The display was installed by Superior Signs & Screenprinting in Caldwell, Idaho, and the wiring and electrical work done by two Boise-based companies, Quality Electric and Neurilink LLC.

The display was funded, in full, by the Morrison Center Endowment Foundation.

It’s a nice looking install – so nice (see hi rez) I had to ask the Nano guys if Mr. PhotoShop was at play (which I get way too often in press stuff).

Nope. Real deal.

Full press release is here.

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