Digital Signs Drive Triple-Digit Sales Spikes At Casino Restaurants

April 19, 2013 by Dave Haynes


There’s an interesting case study now available from partners involved in a late 2012 trial using digital signage and  video analytics at some Ontario charity casinos.

A couple of key findings in the study nicely reinforce the impact of digital signage in food services, and the utility of automated audience measurement.

The five-month test involving four Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation charity casinos (profits pay for schools and health care, not some mogul’s gold-plated Bentley) indicated that the use of digital signage was responsible for sales increases on restaurant items as high as 127 percent.

The test, run with Intel’s AIM Suite, also showed how tweaking content based on viewing times for messages made a big difference. Using the video analytics tools, OLG measured how long people in the casinos viewed specific messages and revised the content to shorten the narrative and punch up the call to action. That led to a 10X increase in activity for a giveaway program.

The program was done in three phases and showed digital signage had significant impacts on sales and promotions. Interestingly, the digital signs installed as test units in the food and beverage areas of the affected casinos turned into permanent installations because of the results seen.

The test involved OLG, the Research Strategy Group, Intel’s AIM Suite business unit, software vendor Capital Networks (who sent me the study) and AV integrator EdCom Multimedia Products. Capital has posted the study on its website and make it available for download. Intel is also developing a solution brief on the project.


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