Mixer Name Badges Ready For Printer Next Week
February 8, 2013 by Dave Haynes
We did name badges for the first time at last year’s Preset Group DSE Mixer, and the general response was good. With more than 300 mingling in a crowd, there’s a lot of people to meet and names to remember.
I’m pathetic with names, so these little social tools help. Like last year, there’s a part used to explain what people do, as in I Do: Consulting. Registrants select from a drop-down list based on, well, what they do.
There are some tweaks needed, but this is pretty much how it looks. Except my I Do will say Consulting.
There are now well north of 300 people registered, so if patterns stick and we don’t have a repeat of the windstorm of 2012 that kept some flights out of Las Vegas that day, we should see something like 300 at the door.
There IS a waiting list now established, so your best bet for grabbing a slot from someone else who needs to cancel, is to put you’re name in there. As a slot opens up, en email goes out to the person at the top of the list.
The waiting list and event details: http://presetmixer2013.eventbrite.com/
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