Preset Group DSE Mixer Set For Hard Rock Cafe On The Strip
January 14, 2013 by Dave Haynes
For once, I will actually have stepped inside the venue booked for the annual Preset Group DSE Mixer before the day of the event. It’s an interesting approach, and I have warmed to it.
In fact, I’ve been twice and even had a drink.
Hellberg passed over the company credit card Friday and after much going back and forth – and having and then losing and then getting it back – we can say the 2013 version of the mixer will be at the Hard Rock Cafe on the Las Vegas Strip. This is NOT to be confused with the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, which is well off the strip.
The event is Feb. 26th from 5:30-8:30 on the third floor fo the venue. We have everything but a couple of private rooms on that level, and it includes the outdoor patio where people with bad habits or nice cigars can spark up. There will be some food this year, though not a meal.
We’re projecting 350 – I know, holy crap!!! – but 300 tickets went last year in a matter of hours.
Our sponsors this year are:
The sponsors are:
- Capital Networks (Toronto-based signage software)
- Multiband USA – (Minneapolis-based deployment/service firm)
- NEC Display Solutions – (If you don’t know them how on Earth did you end up reading this blog?)
- Cineplex Digital Solutions – (Toronto-based content and project strategy and execution guys)
- Chief (Milestone AV Technologies) – (One of the big guys in display mounts, and VERY community-oriented)
- Digital Signage Expo
I will have registration details up in a few days. Watch this space.
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