Project Profile: VW’s Interactive Digital Domination In Berlin
September 12, 2012 by Dave Haynes
The German company BlowUP media has released details and pix of a job running for Volkswagen at the Postdamer Platz rail station in Berlin.
The campaign for the VW Golf VII users large format digital, intgeractive screens, big print and social in a really nice mix that plays on the motion of car-buying.
The entire south entrance of the S-bahn train station is covered and equipped with campaign motifs. A massive LED sits on a wall inside the station street-level canopy. On the outside scaffolding, there are eight 46″ touchscreens with built-in cameras.
Passers-by can stop and take shots of themselves, ideally kissing a loved one. The campaign asks the big question: “If you could only kiss ONE PERSON in your life, who would it be?”
The campaign, says BlowUP, is an integral part of the initial Golf campaign phase and takes over where the website for the new Golf VII www.onething.de leaves off.
The large LED screen and the touchscreen technology provide an absolute unique form of interaction with the target group using a highly emotional approach. The combination of digital and classic advertising concepts as well as work with other media has made the Ströer Group the #1 provider of interactive solutions.
A current survey of the CBS media group on the perception of interactive out-of-home-advertising in Europe shows that with this campaign, the automobile manufacturer has its finger on the pulse of the time: Brands which interact with their customers generate a positive reaction within the target group and present themselves as being extremely up-to-date.
“Our advertisement should touch people – sending authentic, human, congenial and clear messages. We want to use this to continue strengthen the positive image of the Volkswagen brand,” explains Giovanni Perosino, Head Group Marketing Communications Volkswagen.
During the first phase of the Golf VII campaign, DDB Tribal Berlin were responsible for creative development while Mediacom and Magic Poster as well as blowUP media were all responsible for implementation. The entire process was an exciting challenge for the production team.
Katrin A. Robertson, Group Managing Director of blowUP media, says: “More than just our expertise in the Giant Poster business was needed to accomplish this task. The sophisticated technology and the complex integration of interactive elements demanded our undivided commitment. But it all paid off! We are certain that the combination of the classic poster medium with digital technology – and at this very central location in Berlin – will elicit a lasting increased interest in the new Golf.”
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