THIS Is How You Do A Case Study In Digital Signage
June 20, 2012 by Dave Haynes
[vimeo id=”42742334″ width=”610″ height=”260″]
This is a video business, so it’s kinda weird how rare it is to see videos done about projects.
The video you are going to get off a smartphone or pocket camera will be marginal in quality because of shaky hands and limited mikes, but at least it will start to tell the story. I write to pay the bills, but I also know words in a visual medium can’t be the only element of the story.
If you really want to tell a story, and market your product and capabilities, you get video properly shot and produced by people with the right skills and gear.
I brokered some introductions and did the off-camera interviews for a couple of video case studies pulled together during Digital Signage Expo earlier this year. A little company called Studio 10 – from Regina, Saskatchewan – does some Digital OOH work in that city, and Studio 10’s Jeremy Drummond had guys coming to DSE anyway, looking to learn and also capture some material.
So did I have any ideas on what to shoot? Who to maybe see? I gave them a friendly fellow Canadian hand, and a little direction, and they took it from there. The results kinda blew me away.
Here’s the piece they did on the MGM properties with the help of Four Winds, which does the software there. THIS is how you really tell a story in this space. The subject matter and Vegas visuals helped, of course, as did some really solid interviews with MGM’s Randy Dearborn and Four Winds’ David Levin.
The guys also did a second video on another project (more on that soon), and a piece for me and Hellberg that tells the Preset Group story.
Kudos to you and Studio 10. Fantastic!