Talking Flat Lady Gets a Weegie Accent
April 20, 2012 by Dave Haynes
Scotland’s health care system has its first talking flat lady, one of those projected virtual mannequins.
Following the flick of a switch, EVA (which stands for Electronic Virtual Assistant), began her duties in the foyer of Forth Valley Royal Hospital on Monday 16th April 2012. These include relaying information on how to quit smoking, reminding visitors to use hand gel to help stop the spread of infection and details of what’s on the menu in the hospital’s restaurant.
EVA, a 2D hologram who looks like a real person, has been created by the creative digital out-of-home advertising company MediaZest, using advanced computer technology and the image and voice of a Scottish actress.
I’m not a big fan of these things, as it is a gimmick that (sorry) wears thin quickly. How MediaZest and other companies using it have it packaged and integrated is nice, but the fact that these things need to be roped off is your first clue something’s not quite there. In this case, they don’t want someone wandering into the lobby in a bad mood and giving EVA a Glasgow Kiss.
Forth Valley Royal is northeast of Glasgow.
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