Zoom In, And Again, And Again, And Again, And …
February 8, 2012 by Dave Haynes
[youtube id=”4S1ER6Ya53A” width=”600″ height=”350″]
This is pretty darn cool – an infinitely zooming interactive touch application developed by Toronto-based Content Interface. You pinch an image and zoom in to realize the pixels that define that image are actually images themselves, and when you zoom in more, the effect repeats. Endlessly.
Every straight teenaged boy on the planet wants this particular content piece with supermodels in teeny bikinis in their bedrooms … now. Their moms … not so much.
Called iZoom, the Infinite Zoom feature likely involves advanced mathematics – which means I will now stop even attempting to explain it.
Writes Le on his YouTube Channel: CIC iZoom allows infinite zoom of an image or video. As zooming takes place, a pixel is gradually morphed into another image or video. The process can be repeated over and over. A feasibility study was conducted for the usefullness of CIC iZoom using various YouTube videos. In this case, Sports Illustrated swimming suit (HD only) videos from YouTube were used. We found that CIC iZoom is extremely handy for browsing (or video mining) thousands of Sports Illustrated video clips – with lots of fun.
This is reminiscent of that video wall Nike sparked up last fall in its downtown Portland flagship store. Except in this case, it’s a product and not a one-off app.
Content Interface founder and President Hao Le has been at this stuff for years and I recently saw the company’s pots and pans at a Toronto interactive show. The demo material I saw looked like the stuff I’d seen five years ago, but they weren’t showing this … at least not to me. Le sent me this video link last night to gently point the company’s work has progressed.
Compelling stuff. A lot of interactive stuff I come across is interesting for a matter of seconds. You could imagine in the right setting how people would be engrossed by this. I have asked for more details on what all is involved. The company has offices in Vietnam, Tokyo and Toronto.
Thanks for the post, Dave. I just found your blog and will definitely be reading from now on. I love the application and agree that users would spend a lot of time with it.