Immersive founder Sosa profiled by Fox Business
October 28, 2011 by Dave Haynes
Jason Sosa of the start-up Immersive Labs – which mashes up video analytics with other tools to do intelligent screen-based ad targeting – got a very nice, lengthy profile on Fox Business – both in video and online.
I tried to embed the video, but is no workee for me. So click here.
He gets a chance over four minutes (a life time in TV news) to talk about his company and what Immersive does, but also about some very humble roots and the challenges of running a start-up while also having a young family.
It’s great profile for the company, even if he did drag out the dreaded Minority Report reference … twice … in four minutes. It would be fun to have a drinking game at DSE next March where everyone fires back a shot when someone uses a Minority Report reference, except we’d all be plastered by 11 am.
Nice PR. I know Immersive was also part of a just-wrapped reality series involving tech start-ups, called Techstars and running on Bloomberg TV. The company is doing a nice job of getting profile. I THINK I met Jason at the Preset mixer at DSE (next one in works, by the way), but that was a nutty three hours that went by in three seconds.
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