Sightings: Kohl’s interactive shopping kiosks at JFK T5
October 20, 2011 by Dave Haynes
I was buzzing along to Gate 1 at JFK T5 last night but stopped long long enough to take a snappie of this interesting kiosk/pop-up store thing being doing by US retailer Kohl’s at some airports.
The digital kiosks allow shoppers to order Kohl’s products online and have them shipped home with free delivery. The airport, in return, gets 11% of the gross sales made through the kiosks.
I’m not sure what would compel people to shop for clothing and other goods at an airport, but I guess for harried business travelers, this might be the only way they get near a Kohl’s.
Shot with crappy BlackBerry phone-cam
That’s NCR Netkey kiosk software we believe