Nielsen Research: Malls are “advertisers’ dream”
October 20, 2011 by Dave Haynes
The Nielsen Company has released new research that profiles the potential ad audiences in shopping malls, and should be quite interesting for companies like AdSpace in the US and Pattison/OneStop up here among the caribou herds.
A study done by Nielsen and Scarborough looks into the behaviors of visitors to major malls in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and New York. It found mall dwellers “are incredibly active consumers across a number of sectors, including media, retail goods, online, travel and automotive.”
The analysis coincides with the release of Nielsen’s Fourth Screen Network Audience Report for Q2 2011, which measures the impact of advertising in places like malls, movie theaters, gas stations, bars and more. The report included audience measurement for three U.S. mall advertising video networks and found that malls attract a younger, predominantly female audience than other place-based ad networks.
In fact, among consumers 18+, mall video networks attract the highest percentage of female viewers (57%) of any tracked location-based network genre, and the majority of mall viewers (55%) fall within the 18-34 demographic. Incidentally, more than one-fifth of tracked mall goers are aged 12 to 17.
“Malls represent a shopper’s dream come true, and they might offer the same for advertisers,” said Paul Lindstrom, SVP for Nielsen’s On Location service. “Not only is their audience unique from other location-based networks but also they are more likely to spend and engage across the board outside of the mall.”
The Nielsen chart shows how this audience indexes higher than population averages, with 100 being the average.
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