Forrester Research to talk mobile engagement in DSA webinar next week

October 11, 2011 by Dave Haynes

The Digital Screenmedia Association is running a webinar next week looking at mobile strategies and opportunities and featuring Julie Ask of Forrester Research.

The Oct. 18th timing is slightly curious, and unfortunate, as the Strategy Institute has its conference on in NYC at the same time and others will be on their way to that city for the DPAA media summit. But then again, that’s a maybe a few hundred people, and many, many more in the sector will be back at the office and free to log in.

Called Mobile: Opportunities To Engage Consumers Throughout Their Journey, the session keynote will be by ask, a vice president and principal analyst at Forrester.

Her premise: Mobile will be the primary digital channel to engage with consumers in the future. The opportunities are incredible if the development and delivery of mobile services is done well. The majority of mobile professionals, however, focus on squeezing elements of their made-for-the-PC digital assets on to a small screen. This is a good starting point — but a bad long-term strategy. Mobile phones and tablets are evolving in ways that will make them unlike any PC we know today — and so the approach to delivering mobile services must evolve, too.

Attendees will learn:

Ask’s focus is on e-business and channel strategy. More specifically, her research covers telecommunications and consumer mobility. She has an end-to-end understanding of consumer wireless, encompassing consumer behavior, devices, networks, carrier strategy, content, applications, and mobile as a channel. As wireless broadband becomes ubiquitous, Of late, Ask is spending an increasing amount of time advising clients outside of the telecommunications industry on their opportunities to deliver products and services to consumers on mobile devices.

Jared Miller, managing director for self-service & emerging technology at United Airlines, will also speak.

The noon-hour session is free and you register here:

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