Next Toronto DS Mixer is Tuesday. Please Register!

May 3, 2011 by Dave Haynes

We are a week out from the next Toronto digital signage and digital out of home mixer. It is next Tuesday, May 10, at a bar in downtown Toronto.

The event host this time around is RiseVision, and its master and commander Byron Darlison.

We have 36 registered so far and I would really like to get a grip on the final numbers so we know how much will be needed in the way of nibblies, and so I can print up name tags. Thanks to Chief, we now have fancy trade show lanyards and name tag sleeves. By registering ahead, I can print your name, company and vertical and slip it into one of these thingies. It bets the peel and stick tags that don’t stay stuck.

So, if you are coming, do me a favor and register here:

The mixer will again be at Shoeless Joe’s in downtown Toronto. The address is 276 King Street West, at the intersection of King and Duncan.

For those who are unfamiliar, the mixers are an informal way for industry folks to network and tell tall tales of massive sales pipelines and incredible work coming out of the labs. The evening usually finishes with the native folk dances of attendees. And then cow tipping, which is not easy in downtown Totonto.

If you are involved in the sector, or want to be, this is a good event.


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