DOOH4Relief banner ads available for download

March 17, 2011 by Dave Haynes

Want to help the DigitalOOH community effort for Japan?

We have creative people producing spots (we could use UK and Euro, as well as other parts of globe) and the back-end is being handled nicely by Insteo. But you can pitch in simply by spreading the word.

Tell your network operator clients and partners about this directly, or run a simple banner ad on your website that will raise awareness.

A pair of 250 by 250 ads have been created and can be downloaded from

Need special help with an odd banner size. We can either get that done or get the layered files and you can have at it with your own people.

What am I going on about???

Google Analytics is telling us people are dropping by from all over the globe. Let’s all keep trying to help make life a little easier in what looks like a very rough, unnerving situation.


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