Conf call today at 2 Eastern for Japan relief DOOH spots

March 15, 2011 by Dave Haynes

David Weinfeld has arranged a conference call bridge for today at 2 PM Eastern to coordinate development and distribution of public service ads to aid in raising funds for Japanese victims of last week’s earthquake and the horrific tsunami that followed.

The intent of the call is to identify who can do what, and try to make completed spots available before the end of this week. The spots would be available to any Digital OOH network that wants to use them, and hopefully the source files would also be available should a network need to tweak the shape for their particular needs.

The files will not contain any branding for the producer or network operators, as this is all about helping the people over there.

The effort needs:

– Creative people willing to develop spots. We think h.2g4 video makes the most sense, as doing Flash introduces questions about CPU speeds and on and on;

– A distribution mechanism, like a public FTP server or download site. We are aware of the site, but don’t seem much sign of life on it. Thoughts?;

– Networks willing to run the spots.

Anyone is welcome on the call, but we need participation more from the production side than people ringing in to say they will run the spots. For the latter, that’s hugely appreciated, but watch this space and we will post all the info as to how to access the video spots when they are ready.

The number to call at 2 PM Eastern, 11 Pacific, is: (415) 796-0198     PIN#: 2878


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