Brewer activates mobile with billboard coupons
November 19, 2010 by Dave Haynes
Back at HQ after two days on the Wet Coast with a client.
There’s lots of collective hand-wringing out there about how digital signage works with mobile, and the people who really know both say there a lots of ways – notably the promotion and activation of mobile engagement with brands.
Here’s an interesting example of a conventional billboard campaign being run up here among the caribou herds that would be far more easily executed by digital because of the hyper-localization that’s central to the idea.
Canadian boutique brewery James Ready – whose product I remarkably have not tried – has been building a name for itself with off-the-wall but tasteful marketing campaigns. The latest, as spotted on Marketing’s blog, is a campaign running on billboards in Windsor, across the river from Detroit, which encourages people to shoot a photo of the coupon that’s part of the billboards and take it to that local business to save money.
The premise is by saving money on stuff like burgers and dry cleaning, those savings can be put to good use on a box of beer.
Clever, but imagine how much more reach and how many more businesses could be pulled in using digital screens across a variety of venues.
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