Corona Light Books DOOH & Social Campaign on Times Sq. Board

October 15, 2010 by Dave Haynes

Spotted in Direct Marketing News:

Corona Light has booked a four-week flight on one of the big LED boards in Times Square – a 40-foot fella – to drive engagement for the brand through social media.

The billboard will promote Corona Light’s Facebook initiative to become the most “liked” beer in the US, said Anup Shah, brand manager for Corona and Corona Light. As of October 14, Corona Light has amassed 58,539 “likes” on Facebook, a significant jump from 3,000 in August, said Shah.

Consumers who “like” the Facebook page will be able to upload their photos to the Times Square billboard.

“This is a great way to reward fans for being brand ambassadors,” said Shah. “The overall goal of the campaign is to drive engagement for our core target, 21-to-34-year-olds, as well as build a community of brand ambassadors.”

It’s kind of amazing to think expensive campaigns are being built around increasing Facebook likes, given that two years ago that would have generated nothing more than a big “Huh?” around agency hallways.

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