Sixteen:Nine and rAVe work new partnership
September 14, 2010 by Dave Haynes
Well after 1,700-plus posts, the odd angry letter and threatened lawsuit, and endless side notes about me being “such a smart-ass”, Sixteen:Nine is making a bit of a big move this week.
I have entered into a content and sales/marketing partnership with rAVe [Publications] that will see some Sixteen:Nine content being used on rAVe’s AV industry publications and Sixteen:Nine having access to rAVe’s stuff on that sector. It also sees rAVe selling sponsor banners and boxes on this blog – something I steered away from when I was working for other people. Now that I am self-employed and a hunter/gatherer, it’s a lot more compelling.
So you will start seeing ad banners on here. As ever, that doesn’t mean I am endorsing whoever may be a sponsor. I am pretty quiet and private about who I work with as a writer and consultant, and to the ever-lasting credit of my clients, none of them have ever even hinted that sending me work is a free pass on to Sixteen:Nine.
rAVe is Gary Kayye and his editorial team. Gary is one of the most influential and well-connected people in the audiovisual industry. His newsletters and blogs have ridiculously huge distribution and reader counts, and what I like is that Gary is not a pom-pom shaking cheerleader for the AV sector or any other. He’s known to be direct, candid and spot-on. He consults for a lot of companies and does a lot of speaking work, as well.
Sponsorship possibilities aside, I see this as a good opportunity to reach more people. Gary and his team down in North Carolina have a huge following in the AV sector, many with a lot of interest in digital signage. While there are some companies with strong people and services in place, there’s a PILE of them who have barely started working their way up the digital signage learning curve. If my blabber can help them NOT make some rookie mistakes, and function as a BS filter, that’s great.
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