New player joins DOOH audience-counting space
September 13, 2010 by Dave Haynes
Another company has joined the small gaggle of firms going after the anonymous audience counting market – this one from Taiwan.
From 2010 September, says a release this morning, EcafTech will provide a new audience measurement solution – the Digital Signage Viewer Counter. By utilizing our unique face recognition and tracking technology, the DSVC offers the audience measurement for any digital signs, in-store product displays, kiosks, and display windows.
Our unique face detection and tracking technology quickly and precisely finds viewers’ faces captured by digital optic devices. DSVC tells you how many people walk near, how many among them actually look at and how long they look at your digital signage.
The DSVC is easy to integrate with existing digital signage networks and continually transmits the real-time data to the Content Management System. The real-time data can be further synchronized with contents to determine how many people saw each ad being played. These entirely anonymous, meaningful and powerful metrics help to evaluate the media performance accurately and to decide the best location for DS.
I doubt the detection part is all that unique, but the company does indeed do at least one bit differently from the likes of CognoVision, TruMedia and Quividi. They have a dedicated box, while TruMedia has a combo box-camera thingdoodle and the other two have software that can co-exist on players.
That could be good or bad depending on overall cost, as it removes the need for testing and integration on a single box. No word on cost/pricing model. The site is all in English so presumably they are looking to work beyond the Far East region.
The company gets bonus points for a simple product name: Digital Signage Viewer Counter.
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