Enough with the endless membership drive announcements
August 6, 2010 by Dave Haynes
There is a raging tomato fight, as you may have heard, going on between two non-profit organizations battling for the hearts, minds and wallets of the digital signage <you choose> a) industry or b) sector or c) evil cabal.
Part of that battle is making the world aware when new members are signed up.
Once in a while it’s interesting. A lot of the time it has that desperate, reaching or who cares feel to it. I just sat shaking my head today with news via Twitter that the Howard Beach Apothecary, a local drug store over by JFK airport in New York, is now a member of the DSA.
The next tweet said Duke Energy, a Fortune 500 company with 4 million customers, was a member. That’s worth letting people know.
There is marketing value when certain companies sign up for an organization. It’s quite the opposite when it looks like anyone with a pulse is getting signed up. And good luck convincing me the apothecary is a valued member.
Just saying, David …. ;-]
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