The new look

May 10, 2010 by Dave Haynes

Well, I think that was easy …

This is the new look site and it seemed way too easy to cut over and make it live. In fact, I need to do some more tweaking on the directory side and get a revised RSS feed running. I am on WordPress now (bye Joomla, and “Pffffft!”) and using a tweaked commercial theme.  But we’re close.

What’s different?

Obviously, a new look, logo and navigation that I think is cleaner and pretty cool. It is a magazine format with the latest posts incorporated, as well as featured articles that I am calling deepdocs. These are pieces that I have put more work into and are quasi white papers. I plan to do more of these and look at stuff that is increasingly removed from the traditional white papers you see and read.

The pure blog can be started from the main page or from the Blog section.

On some advice, I have hived some of my activities together under Companies.

I have added some advertising positions, which helps pays the little bills of the site and, now that I am the master of my own destiny, offsets some of the bigger bills.

WordPress gives me a ton of options and flexibility, and I will be adding and subtracting things over the next little bit to try out widgets and plugins and keep current with the fast-changing social media landscape.

This rolls in the great majority of the posts done over the last few years. The new look site has been running in tandem with the official site for a few weeks, so the newest stuff is properly mapped. You may find older posts with broken images and so on, and as I bump into them, I will fix.

Let me know what you think.

  1. Hi Dave,

    Congratulations for your new look. Very cool design.

    It’s a pleasure for us to support you with your hosting. We need more experience people like you that are not afraid to tell what they really think.

    Keep on your good work.

    Richard Fortin

  2. Arlene Zeichner says:

    Looks great. I am so thrilled to have a place to go to daily with compelling analysis of the out of home market.

  3. Dave,

    Loving the new website, welcome to WordPress we switched our signagelive website 18 months ago and have never looked back.



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