Any DS start-ups looking for downtown TO space?
February 12, 2010 by Dave Haynes

I was chatting the other night with Toronto digital signage mixer regular Kelly McGillivray and she asked if I knew any start-ups looking for downtown Toronto office space, as she has room in their place that’s gathering dust.
Nope, I said, but I offered to float something out there and see if it got any nibbles.
Peoplecount has shared office space available in its very cool, open-concept New York style loft office in downtown Toronto (Adelaide/John). Would suit 1 to 3 people. Includes desk area, shared use of furnished boardroom, full kitchen and full bathroom. Bring your own desks. The rest is fully outfitted and wired. Hardwood floors, 14-foot ceilings, southern exposure. Only $1,000 per month.
We are a small engineering and research firm of five people with a fairly quiet operation.
For more details, message Kelly McGillivray at kelly [at] peoplecount.biz.
Nice folks, and you might also learn a thing or 200 about advertising and audience research from one of its true experts.
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