Snappies from the Christie MicroTiles launch
December 10, 2009 by Dave Haynes
Christie Digital took over a nightclub in New York last night and formally launched its MicroTiles products, with the event hosted by fellow blogger Adrian Cotterill of DailyDOOH fame.
This was the second time I have seen the gear and was impressed once again, this time by the scale. Bob Rushby (below), one of the inventors of the tiled displays, showed off a wall of tiles that was 16 wide and 6 high (96 tiles) that amounted to (I think he said) a 37 million pixel image. It was some crazy-big number like that.
The Christie folks also showed some other new designs and more content, including a huge display suspended at an angle and meant to emulate a 16-sheet out of home poster shape.
Impressive stuff, and good event. Lots of familiar faces there, as well as a lot of people from the AV industry who will be all over this.
(Disclaimer: I do some work for Christie, but I’d like it no matter the ties)
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