First look: Christie's MicroTiles
November 13, 2009 by Dave Haynes
I had an invite to go see the new MicroTiles display technology announced this week by Christie Digital. They did a soft-launch of the product for environmental (as in rooms, not trees) design people at a function in New York.
Disclaimer – I am doing some writing for them
I had not seen it until now, and the technology is very impressive. The seams all but disappear and the shapes are really interesting. The event had a strong Canadian touch as the technology comes largely out of the Waterloo, Ontario office of Christie and most of the stunning content that was done was by Montreal’s Arsenal Media. The gesture technology that was demo’d was by another Montreal company, Float 4. Content was also produced by UK-based AMiGO and NY’s Show and Tell.
This really does change the display game in some environments, though the MSRP price per cube is north of $3K right now, so this stuff will turn up flagship installs, not in corner stores. Mass production would change that.
I took some pix, and also grabbed a couple from Christire’s Facebook page.
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