Montreal retailer does it right with visually dominating DS wall
August 31, 2009 by Dave Haynes
The exact details of this thing are more elusive than they should be, but nonetheless I like the work a little Montreal company has done for an electronics retailer in that city. This is for what appears to be almost a pop-up retailer with a location in one of the shopping centers in downtown Montreal, this one off the main shopping drag and near the Apple-loving students at McGill and L’Université du Québec à Montréal.
The MicroBoutique store, which sells electronics gear including Apple products, has a full external store wall equipped with a series of embedded flat panels running ambient content.
I really like this because it makes use of great creative and is visually dominating. Most digital signage deployments stick screens here and there with the hope that they get noticed. There’s no question of that happening here, as you can see form the video at the bottom of the post. The sightlines are such that you can’t help but notice this wall.
The work was done by a new company, PromoMee, and I traded some emails with one of their guys, Leo. He didn’t want to tell me much by email and suggested I give him a call later. But I have really limited time to chase things around, and when a guy offers to give you a plug …
Anyway, the Website suggests the video wall does not use PCs, which means things like little set-top boxes (maybe the Popcorn Hour or Western Digital units?) or maybe, just maybe an Apple product. He wans’t forthcoming, but did fonfirm part of the value proposition is extending content to smartphones, like the iPhone.
Here’s a video of the deployment:
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