Hat tip to Daily DOOHboys (and girls)
July 25, 2009 by Dave Haynes
The UK-based but increasingly international Daily DOOH blog/news portal turns two this week, and I wish the kids a happy birthday. (Note – just corrected this … I thought it was three)
I’ll be four, in blog years, next February and I remember then it was just Gerba (the first real industry blogger, and still the best for insight) and a smattering of mostly useless corporate blogs writing about the space. I started doing stuff and then some guy named Adrian Cotterill started popping up in comments here and there, and eventually launched his own blog. It’s grown a lot since then and Adrian has slowly added a roster of regular contributors, and carved out a reputation for breaking stories and taking no prisoners in his writing about the state of companies and the business in general.
He’s turned a blog into a genuine business and there’s every indication it is thriving. We haven’t always agreed on approach and tone, but when I ran into a spot of job bother a few months ago, Adrian was right there, right away, offering help and making intros. Hours after I got laid off I was in a Walmart checkout line and fielding a mobile call from a company exec Adrian had pointed my way.
Daily DOOH may get some people in a lather because of blunt observations or that news companies really don’t want out there, but this industry is going nowhere if all anyone ever reads is how super-duper everything is going. It’s an important part of the landscape and in two little years Adrian has gone from “Who dat?” status to one of the most influential guys in the business.
So again, a hat tip for two years of good work.
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