Not only a problem for interactive DS
July 8, 2009 by Dave Haynes
We are developing publicly interactive apps at Jezam and it is clearly a concern we have. Part of each kiosk design is answering the question : Why would a user use our kiosk instead of his smartphone ? One answer is : curated content. He does not have to search for it, evaluate the content provider, there is a greater feeling fo trust and we have been commissionned by a public or private client to develop it. Another value we add is interactive way-finding, which for large public space like convention center and shopping mall make more sense on large screen. The info can then be sent to smartphone. I would add that the competition with smartphone and mobile phone in general is not unique to interactive kiosk. Most public DS network are fighting for pedestrian attention, just like are static out-of-home ads, free newspaper in the subway, etc.
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