DSE East cancelled
May 29, 2009 by Dave Haynes
The Digital Signage Expo East show that was supposed to be held this September in Washington, DC has been cancelled by show organizer Exponation, reports Digital Signage Today.
This is hardly surprising. The inaugural east version last fall in Philly was not exactly jammed (you could hear crickets on day 2), there’s already too many industry shows and conferences, and some of the big spenders like Wireless Ronin and BroadSign who sponsored these events have scaled way back by necessity.
I don’t think this reflects badly on the industry. More to the point, it reflects the state of the economy and how companies are being smarter about their marketing spends. I don’t see this coming back, even when the economy comes back. As noted here and on some other blogs, the industry is going into shakeout mode on vendors and suppliers, and emerging, converging and evolving technologies mean this industry will looked at and marketed very differently, and by many new and different players, within a coupla years.
Show organizer Chris Gibbs told DS Today his company was planning a supplemental event to the main show in Lost Wages next year. My guess is that it would be around content.
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