Industry loses one of its own
April 29, 2009 by Dave Haynes
A friend passed along the very sad news of the passing of Michael Terni, one of the co-founders of the Montreal-based interactive DS company iGotcha Media.
I got to know Michael a little bit in Las Vegas earlier this year, having a chat on DSE set-up day and then at the DOPES mixer. Great guy. Funny and full of life.
Here is the note sent around by his business partner, Greg Adelstein.
Michael Stephen Terni
1968 – 2009
It is with great sorrow that our family announces Michael’s passing on April 25, 2009. Mike will be indescribably missed by his wife Cullen Pilot, daughter Tatiana, parents Andrea and Paul, sister Jennifer (Philippe Rosenberg), and the Pilot, Moquette and Aglaganian families. Also much loved as a buddy, athlete, entrepreneur and globetrotter, Mike will be missed by his multitude of friends in Montreal, across Canada and around the world. Mike touched many lives and none who knew him will ever forget his love, friendship or energetic presence. A memorial service will be held on Saturday May 2nd at 4pm at St. George’s Anglican Church, 1101 Stanley, Montreal. Donations to the Montreal General Hospital Foundation, 1650 Cedar, Montreal, QC, H3G 1AH.
Greg Adelstein, President
iGotcha Media
4020 St-Ambroise #268
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4C 2C7
Video of Michael talking about his company
Greg Adelstein sent me a follow-up note, explaining what happened …
Michael Terni passed away suddenly on Saturday, April 25. He was accidentally injured in a hockey tournament in Las Vegas. Mike died playing the game that he loved.
Mike had a collision in the game and then had pain in his chest and arm. The other team had a doctor who looked at Mike, took his pulse (which was low) and recommended strongly to get him to the emergency room at the hospital. Mike was able to call his wife for a brief conversation. He was about to go into (open heart) surgery when he died from a ruptured aorta. They opened him up anyways – to massage his heart. Unfortunately there was no way to save him. Apparently Mike had a pre-existing heart condition that no-one knew about (most likely an aneurism).
We are all very, very sad about this tragedy. Mike has a three year old daughter and his wife Cullen is three months pregnant!
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