Mixer report
February 13, 2009 by Dave Haynes
I missed the last Toronto industry mixer on Tuesday night but I heard it was good. Dmitry from Ingram has since sent me a note (thanks!) with some detail.
The usual suspects were there, as well as some new faces from the pro-AV and kiosk business, and even a retailer (he must have been swarmed).
All told, about 50 people again. Thanks to Samsung for hosting. Next one is the second Tuesday in March, same place.
This is not official, but I am probably going to organize a mixer in Las Vegas during DSE week, probably on the Tuesday night. Some people will undoubtedly have client dinners and I think there is a DSE board thing, but the idea here is just to get together somewhere and have a couple of pops among industry friends. There’s a bunch of people I know just virtually and it will be great if we can actually meet outside the ruckus of the trade show halls.
Confirmation and details early next week. If someone wants to host (ie: pick up a round), send me a note.
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