JADN Montreal: First Impressions
January 28, 2009 by Dave Haynes
So I have wobbled my way back to my room after a long day, and I am waaaaay too tired to start banging out stuff about the details of the JADN event in Montreal.
Suffice to say: full house, good crowd, some excellent speakers.
I was particularly impressed by what Olivier Debin of Dagobert did with his show and tell for his French content house, and with the passion of Francois Bourdeau, who lives, eats, breathes the near-9,000 site network he runs for Loto-Quebec. Anybody who does conferences should be scrapping to get these guys on the agenda. They have a lot to say, and all of it substantial. Francois, particularly, would go on for hours about his network, but the funny thing is, it would pretty much be time well spent.
Olivier promised to send me his presentation in a more familiar language, which will help in my relaying what he had to say and show. It was all in French. What I can say ahead of it is that his 60 or so people do some utterly brilliant stuff, though clients like Orange pay handsomely, I suspect, for the kind of work he was showing the crowd.
Good event, as usual. I will post more stuff once back at my armed mountaintop compound, and assuming I actually get out of Montreal tomorrow (big snow coming … wheeeeee!)
Anybody want to relocate me to the Gulf Coast???
Thanks to Denys Lavigne for another great event, and to his team — particularly Arsenal Media’s Patricia Vandal and David Goddard, the latter who kindly sent me a snapshot. In my twilight years I have discovered putting the SD card IN your camera makes picture-taking THAT much more possible.
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