Finnish IT school intros its own multi-touch eye candy
October 11, 2008 by Dave Haynes
Here’s yet another touch-screen interface that allows users to resize photos and spin things, this one from the Helsinki Institute for Information technology, in Finland.
The user interface is rendered in 3D, which makes it look very cool. And some of the interaction is interesting, but like the others I’ve seen, not a lot of practical application to be found in this demo. It WOULD be an interesting way for a high street travel store to allow passers-by to search for a vacation destination, for example.
Right now, like the others, it’s eye candy. While this sort of interactive will undoubtedly have a place in the DS industry, thgere will be a lot more excitement around it when others follow the lead of deep-pocketed Microsoft (with Surface) and demo some real-world applications that have an ROI of some kind.
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