How consumers are using mobile direct advertising

July 23, 2008 by Dave Haynes


Many of us are trying to bend our brains about the how the relationship between interactive mobile and digital screen networks is supposed to work.

One of the key challenges has been trying to sort out how consumers might interact with advertising, and how that correlates to screens.

We offer no answers here, but have found some interesting data from Marketing Charts on how consumers are responding to mobile marketing.

The most notable finding – text messaging gets action.

Some 70 percent of consumers who have responded to a mobile marketing offer say they’ve responded to a marketing text message – compared with 41 percent who’ve responded to a survey and 30 percent to email offers – according to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), writes MarketingCharts.

Among other findings:

* Teens 15-17 years old (19 percent) and young adults 21-30 years old (19 percent) are twice as likely to respond to offers on their mobile devices as those 18-20 years old (7 percent).
* Single (never married) respondents were the most likely of all groups to respond to mobile marketing appeals.
* Overall, higher-income respondents making more than $60,000 per year were more likely to respond to mobile offers.
* Responders to mobile marketing were typically more tech savvy – for example, responders were twice as likely than non-responders to subscribe to internet-based music subscription services.
* Buyers of entertainment/music/video products were the most likely to respond to mobile offers.
* Categories of mobile offers were dominated by entertainment/music/video (44 percent), followed by…

o Food/beverage (21 percent) and telecommunications/mobile (21 percent)
o Beauty/personal care (15 percent)
o Automotive/transportation, business services, consumer electronics, financial services, and vacation/travel (12 percent each)
o Healthcare/pharmaceutical and real estate (7 percent each)

“These findings suggest that mobile marketing will continue growing into a multibillion-dollar industry as more mobile phone users are enticed by falling prices to purchase data plans and broadband enabled devices,” said Edward T. Manzitti, Ph.D., author of the DMA’s report and VP, Research & Market Intelligence, at DMA.

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