Screens.TV pushes out DSE roundup
February 29, 2008 by Dave Haynes
I would love to say I had the time on Day Two to look around, talk with other vendors and relay my impressions of what was up. But it was another blur of a day, and I was still talking to people as the trades guys were pulling the booth apart.
One thing I did get to do is meet Barnaby Page, who edits Screens.TV and was out and about at the show. I’m clueless about what went on beyond my little orbit, but Barnaby and crew have been writing up a storm.
Digital Signage Today also has some stuff up, including a piece on my new buddies at CognoVision, who have a cool audience measurement app using low-cost webcams.
One thing I did learn is the show is back in Vegas this time next year.
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