Media CEO: "Digital OOH will become an even bigger medium, particularly in-store"

December 21, 2007 by Dave Haynes

When media planning and agency people turn up at digital signage events, they ensure the crowds that the ad industry really does know about us and the value proposition, and that screen networks really are considered when budgets are allocated.

They even say that stuff when we’re not around, apparently.

From a Media In Canada interview with Bruce Claasen, CEO of Toronto-based media planning group Genesis Vizeum.

MiC: As for ’08, what trends or issues do you see on the horizon?

“Four things: Mobile will start taking off; digital OOH will become an even bigger medium, particularly in-store; communication planning will start to be seen as best residing within media agencies; and the blurring of creative roles between media agencies, creative agencies and media vendors.”

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