Welcome to Y2K guys!

October 17, 2007 by Dave Haynes

Everyone, please give a warm welcome to the PR people at Media Tile, who this morning announced the signage-in-a-box company has entered the 21st century.

Actually, I didn’t see anybody doing this with digital signage ads until early 2002, but it was my buddy Kevin’s teeny two-person company, and if they were doing it, you gotta think … well, anyway, read on with appropriate awe:

The MediaTile Company today announced that it has released a significantly enhanced version of its digital signage software system, the MediaTile Broadcast Portal, to support digital ads that can automatically update their text and images from remote sources.

… The support of dynamic Flash capabilities with our award-winning all-in-one digital signage platform is a huge leap forward in the world of digital advertisers and narrowcasters,” said Keith Kelsen, CEO and Chairman of The MediaTile Company. “This is real 21st century advertising, with data-driven promotions that can change on-the-fly based on the weather, news, prices, time, supply, demand, whatever the trigger and data source.”

In other words, they’re using Adobe Flash for some ads and messaging and changing things up dynamically based on what sits in data fields. It typically has precious little to do with a signage app and much more so with Flash, and we likely all know people who have been doing that for years on their networks. There’s also that still sticky question out there about whether using anything more than Flash 7 for signage is legal.

So guys, now that you’re in this century, if you have some money kicking around, buy some Apple stock. No, really, I’m serious.

  1. DoohGuy says:

    >So guys, now that you’re in this century, if
    > you have some money kicking around,
    > buy some Apple stock. No, really, I’m
    > serious.

    Wow, how prescient of you Dave! I wonder if they they took your advice. When you posted this, AAPL was 170$.

    Now it’s 400$

    Did you put your money where your mouth is dave?


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