What the cluck? A roll-out, sort of, down under
October 12, 2007 by Dave Haynes
Everybody knocking around in this weird little space, particularly doing sales, knows there are a couple of key things happening and not happening.
There is a huge amount of interest and activity. Lotsa pilots and RFPs. But not all that many Purchase Orders getting cut for roll-outs.
So I always get a little bouncy in my high chair when I read something like this:
Lenard’s has committed to rolling out in-store Digital advertising across the country from February, Australia’s Inside Retailing reports.
The rollout follows a successful trial in six Queensland stores over the past five months.
Lenard’s believes, having evaluated trading after the trials, that the digital in-store medium will increase the number of customers shopping at its network.
Well I’m not sure hanging a couple of plasma screens will magnetically yank people off the street and into the store, but they should certainly help move more product.
Lenards is a franchise outfit with some 190 locations across Australia that peddles freshly cooked chicken and all the trimmings, with the idea people stop in on the way home and pick up some chook for dinnies.
The disheartening side to this one is the story goes on to say the two plasma screens in store are to be fed by a DVD player.
If I was selling my pots and pans in Oz I would be in their face suggesting a weekly refresh of DVDs across all those stores will be a massive pain in the butt, not to mention all those DVD players will start cratering in 5-6 months.
If you’re gonna have a network, you need to network it, mates.
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