Ammo for naysayers

October 11, 2007 by Dave Haynes

The next time a friend goes cross-eyed on you and moans about how you are in a business that just helps pollute the visual environment with yet more advertising, you can tell them you are damn near a tree-hugger compared to these guys.

A UK company called Ad-Air leases farm fields an industrial land on the approaches to airports and rolls out ad tarps the size of several football fields. The idea, spotted on the MIT Ad Lab blog, is that as you gawk out the window when coming in for a landing, this big honkin’ billboard will suddenly fill your field of vision and you will be both entranced and enchanted.

I’m too busy looking around to see which dork on the plane springs up first to get his bag from up top, somehow thinking this will eliminate the 10 rows of people in front of him and have him off the plane any faster.

The first Ad Air monster tarp is supposed to be installed in Dubai this month.

  1. fhb418 says:

    […]I’m too busy looking around to see which dork on the plane springs up first to get his bag from up top, somehow thinking this will eliminate the 10 rows of people in front of him and have him off the plane any faster.[…]

    ok, let’s have beer next time you’re in Montreal 😉

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