Docs: Mark Boidman’s Digital OOH Industry Analysis

May 19, 2015 by Dave Haynes


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M&A advisor and Digital OOH industry analyst Mark Boidman, of Peter J. Solomon, has posted his talk from last week’s OAAA meetings in San Diego.

It’s a really solid, DEEP dive into the advertising side of this business and a nice big bucket of cold water for anyone hot and bothered about ALL the money out there in advertising. As he notes, there is a supply and demand problem in the sector, as in way too many networks for the dollars available.

He also did – or more likely assigned to some poor intern – one of those giant logo festival things that tries to reflect the scale, diversity and categorization of the industry. I remember trying to do one of these 3-4 years ago, and just giving up. Not enough hours in a day.

If you are on the ad side of this business as a mediaco or vendor, definitely worth a read. If not, still worth a read. It’s a free download.




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