Capital Networks Targets Rival Scala’s Customers With Trade-In Program

April 1, 2015 by Dave Haynes


Ask most people who sell signage software and they’ll confirm replacing incumbent software providers is a substantial part of their month to month business.

Sometimes it is service quality. Sometimes one glitch too many. A push on pricing. Or even just personality clashes.

The software guys sell against each other every day in a quest to be that replacement vendor, but the effort tends to be verbal and reflected in things like pricing and feature comparison grids. So it’s interesting to see a software vendor come out and just flat promote that if you drop one software platform and use ours, we’ll do a special deal. It’s certainly the first time I’ve seen it.

Toronto-based Capital Networks has announced a software trade-in program specifically targeted at users of Malvern, PA-based Scala’s content management software. “For a limited time,” says a news release, “existing Scala software users looking to upgrade to Audience can receive a generous trade-in allowance. To qualify, simply send an email that you are thinking about an upgrade in 2015.”

For further information, without any obligation just send an email to:

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