Stop the madness

July 10, 2008 by Dave Haynes

Without naming the offending “leader in the digital signage industry” — which had a press release Thursday about its latest installation — I just had to pose the question …

What flutters through the head and leads someone to the conclusion that this is a great way to present information? Does somebody load it all up on a screen, step back, and feel a rush of warmth? Or do they stare for a few seconds, and then fall over?

The company has a gallery full of these that they’ve worked out with clients.

Every day, a bunch of us slap down prospects who think this is a good idea. The next day, there’s more of them with the same idea about news tickers and scrolling this and that. Maybe this university has an optometry school …

Another question — how does an industry with 300-400 players have 300-400 leaders? Just asking …

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